Thursday, February 26, 2009

Luke 14-16
I had thought that the wayward son who ended up feeding pigs had actually been eating their food. As I reread it I realized he still had his morals and didn't steal from his boss. I was amazed at how even one who messes up in one area of life, can still remember to hold true to other things they were taught in younger years.

I loved the reminder to tend to and invite folks who normally you wouldn't think of when you have others over---that's harder to do than to just ask the same group we run with. We overlook so often those who need us the most.

I also thought the reminder to give up ourselves and carry our cross to be a disciple was wonderful. When I think of this, I often don't think of the misery and struggles we will have to endure (our cross) to grow and to be of use in His mission for our lives.

To succeed in obtaining wealth and money seems to be the top step of the ladder of success in our world. Yet, what is valued by man, is detestable in God's sight. Simple is better----more time with and for the Lord.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Been to Gulf Shores and back this past week. Walked on the beach praising God and all His nature. Been to appts. since returning and doing laundry/housecleaning/cooking a real meal for Terry as I type so will begin in Luke again later today. My 21 days through Luke and John may turn into 21 months---and that's ok----cause I'm feedingonhisword in so many different places and through so many different people also. But His word shall be my lamp and light---so til later---God bless your study and journey!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Good morning! Again I was side tracked from my study of Luke. I'm learning that getting sidetracked is not a bad thing! It's like being on a road trip going from TN to OK and instead of going the maximum speed from pt A to pt B, you see a flea market or a shopping mall and decide to stop a bit to refresh in another spot before continuing on the original journey.
The older I get, the more I like these side steps. They make the journey better for me. So I have been listening the last two days and plan also to do the same tomorrow to hear Tommy Nelson of Denton Bible College speak on Forcus on the Family speaking about male depression. Awesome! Awesome! If you know anyone going through depression-male or female-listen on the computer and you will be enlightened and encouraged. I also listened to Chuck Swindoll's "Insight for Living" series last week each day by computer about growing through struggling. Very powerful series. Then we were in Jonesboro on Sunday and loved the study on Growing and giving. That was the first lesson I ever remember on giving of our money that wasn't a "guilt" lesson but an explanation of God's intent and why! Tomorrow Terry and I go to Gulf Shores through Sunday for a much needed break from Williams' life the past couple of years without a vacation together. I will be taking again another side stop before continuing the 21 days to know Jesus-----as I take a few days to simply be in His presence and His restful arms.
Last night I read Luke 12-13. Here's what I was drawn to:

Luke 12:14 My life does not consist of the abundance of my possessions. When it has I get greedy and lose focus from Him who lets me borrow from Him for His use through me.

Luke 12:22-34 I used to worry over EVERYTHING! It has aged me quicker and I feel the results. Even MRI images show it! Where was my faith! Well, I didn't have much and at one time any really. The past 11 years have been a growing stage for me in my own faith. Now I have decided to feed on His word to go to the next level of faith with Him. My "treasure" and heart have in past times not been directed to God for Him and His glory. Each day I now pray for Him to guide and use me--mold me and make me what He needs. Sometimes "Lorie" surfaces again and I ask Him to push her down and out of His way.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Good Morning Lorie!

How interesting you should send this poem this morning (Crabby Old Man)... And how interesting I have a special friend in NE who is old now... A man of much land, cattle and money, a man who said go and people went, who said stay and people stayed... Yet now with no wife and 6 children whom have no time for him... No control over his life.. He is in a nursing home wanting to go home to spend his last days at his home.. I went there to help him last spring and that is when he had his stroke. He survived a stroke that the Dr said he would die from... Many times he has been brought to death's door and many times God has spared him. He knows God (a Catholic), but he didn't know Jesus. While I was there with him he said he saw Jesus... Thank you Jesus for using me in even a small way..
Now he begs me to come and take him home.. He knows there is no one else to do so. Who even would consider doing so... Yet his son who manages his vast holdings is not real keen on the idea of me being there... Out of fear I might get some of his inheritance and also he is enjoying seeing his father be helpless and dependent on him. (certainly a love hate relationship with his father).. I witnessed to this son and the family while there and I am sure there is a tug of war going on within this son... I continue to pray for this family and their salvation and hurt relationships to be restored..
I ask that you pray with me for guidance if I am to go back to NE to love and care for this man (I do love him inspite of the age difference and his condition). Had he not had his stroke I would be there now.. But I know God had some molding and work to do on both of us... Everyday I struggle with do I go or don't I go.. If I go I will be away from my life here (though it is one of struggle $$ wise but I have many friends and my children) and my grandbaby... I will be going to a place where I grew up but most everyone is gone to other places or to heaven... Caring for a stroke victim is very difficult to say the least... But is God calling me to witness to a lost family??? For people to see Jesus thru me??? I pray for wisdom...
Everyday I struggle with loneliness and fear... I do battle with the enemy on a moment by day bases... (Lynda can tell you that).. But my God is a good God and HE gives me strength and power over the enemy.. He will supply all my needs and direct my life... Somedays though the fear and anxiety seems great... I do battle daily using God's Word to come against the enemy... Daily he tries to steal business from me and render me hopeless... But I know he has to restore to me 7 fold what he steals.. I have to keep believing that... (I am sure getting tired...)
I hope your week in OK was good... And now back to your own life... Seeing Grandbabies is always wonderful but getting back to home is wonderful also...
And as I read Luke 9 this morning God showed me that I must pick up the cross and follow Him now matter where He sends me... follow Him never looking back to the side or behind... Only focused on Him and straight ahead... Sometimes He takes us down a less traveled road that the world says "Oh NO" you can't do that... That is craziness... How often we say "Yes Lord, I will follow you, but to only look back and say wait. let me do this and let me do that and then I will be there... But how many times did my own earthly father say I am going to town, to the cattle sale and am leaving now.. I didn't say hey wait while I do this or that... But I knew if I wanted to go with him I had to go right then.... And I went... Knowing that it would be a great good day!!! My heavenly father loves me so much more then even my earthly father did. So why do I say "wait... I need to do this and that"... Where He is taking me is so much more rewarding then I can even imagine... And how often and how many say just that... Wait while I do this and that... So in Chapter 10 where God says, the harvest is plentiful, but the labors are few.. Here is where we are... A decision to be made... Do I give up everything and go where He wants me (is it NE and to my friend) or do I miss God and stay here not being obedient... Do I confuse my own fears and doubts and think it really isn't God's voice I am hearing saying to go...
I have prayed for the faith of a child... I have an analitical mind and can think and tear apart things until there is nothing left... I don't want to be guilty of that...
So having read Luke 9 & 10 and am praying for God's wisdom. I ask you all to pray with me to hear God's vocie and be directed by Him only...
Thank You Lorie for being obedient and starting this study and for all who is sharing their thoughts and what God is showing them through His Word and each other...
many Blessigs and Love

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Luke 9-11
I loved in Luke 9:17 where all were satisfied and still 12 baskets were left over from the 5 loaves and 2 fish miracle. I too like to make extra whenever I cook for a group and have leftovers. That is not wasteful--it is resourceful for the next meal for us!

I also liked Luke 9:25 about it not doing me any good to gain the world and forfeit myself. I must continually "Let go and Let God" or myself gets in to way with control----How am I going to do something---When I surrender---I win---burdens are lifted and the world doesn't matter to me for that time period. Then myself is freed by losing control to Him.

In Luke 9:45 much "was hidden from them, so that they did not grasp it...". It's strange to me that the more I study, things that were hidden to me for years and years, start to open up to me in a whole different light than before. By the time I get it, I'll be too old for the young ones to care prehaps, but prayfully a few will listen to an old woman's wisdom that grew bit by bit as the grasping is allowed. I have always enjoyed visiting with older folks in their last years of life---what stories--wisdom if I learn from them.

In Luke 10:18 Jesus "saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven". Imagine that!!

In Luke 10:27 Jesus discounts the JOY theme that the old church used with: Jesus first, others second and yourself last. I taught that and lived it also, but that was wrong. If I don't love others as myself, there is never time to rest me or spend in quiet time with the Lord because the "works" get in the way for doing for others too much. Prayer is a gift far greater than me trying to work, work to help others ALL the time. I must pull back regularly to spend my time to be strengthened by and for Him. I must find my gifts and love them for the individual God made me to be.

Jesus mentions how our Father will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him even more than an earthly father would give good things to his children. (Luke 11:13) I want filled with His spirit--filled!!

Finally, I mention Luke 11:45-46 where the teachers lay so many burdens on the people to follow the law that the people can hardly carry them. I was raised with the Hell, fire, damnation part of the law and "works" without love and grace---just fear and tembling---until finally His spirit revealed that was not right either. It took counseling to overcome the "laws of the church" to obey the "will of my Father". Praise the Lord--He freed me from man's bondage!!

Love you, Lorie

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I am so glad that you are back and had a wonderful trip. I am home sick to day. Connie was so sweet to share her stomach virus but I am so worried that Jami will be next because she is so clingy on me. I will have to read and get back with you. I haven't started to exercise yet but it will come.
you are my mentor and I also believe something big is coming for you.
I'm back from OK and missing the grandgirls------So proud of my adults kids for the parents they are in the Lord. So proud of my Chesterfield adult kids also for being His day by day. I went to Tulsa and didn't feed on His word last week. Fed on lots of great physical meals and now digestion problems let me know that again I listened to the fool inside of me. Started listening to Chuck Swindoll's Insight for Living daily program a few days ago and it is so encouaging to know suffering has its purpose in God's plan for us. So tonight I shall read Luke 8-9 and report tomorrow as to the insight He gives me! I am filled with joy lately and thinking "Something great is about to happen". I don't think it is referring to earthly matters. Not sure but grabbing hold of God to take the reigns!! I love you all and I pray that you are filled with His joy also.
Karen, so so so glad to hear that you are back to visiting and encouraging me-----That's so selfish of me but you are God's woman and one of my most loved mentors!! Lorie

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Today is the day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it! I am waiting for the Lord to tell me what the next move is. I hope I can see the sign for what it is and not put my own desires into it. We have shown the house several times lately and the price has plummetted to about $100,000 less that what we bought it for not to mention the $100,000 we added to it. It is a shame but because of what is happening I don't feel badly about not making payments. Someone is going to buy this home and all they won't care about all the work we put into it.
We had someone look at it at this price and they wanted a an additional amount off for a carpet allowance. The agent told them no way. But in this market, probably should have gone ahead and done it. Oh well...Today is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it!
Look forward to hearing from you!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Good morning ladies!

I'm back! I have decided to get up and spend some time however I have misspent the first 45 minutes and only have a couple for you. I hope to join your blog and get my relationship back where it used to be. I have decided that I am demon possessed because the devil is alive and well and trying to keep me from seeking Him first. I believe Jim is trying to come to God but his demons won't allow him. As he told a couple at dinner one night "I was part of Satan's possee!" Jim just keeps saying it isn't time for him to come to Christ. I suppose he is waiting for some miracle to happen. Keep me in your prayers because I want to knock some sense into him. I keep trying to pick the splinter out of his eye while the log is in my own. I will write more soon.
Love to all!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Change of plans---going to Broken Arrow for the week so may be off blog for another week! Continue on and I'll catch up so soon as I can. Lorie