Saturday, January 31, 2009

I'm so thankful for my two daughters and their hearts to follow God and be His women!! God has truly blessed me with you both! I have my grand Graham girls visiting with me through Monday, so I'll catch back up with my study and blog at that time. Nothing like those girls! God double blessed me with them!

Friday, January 30, 2009

okay I got my answer my wonderful bible scholar hubbie helped me out! thanks so much though! God Bless! this is so much fun!


not really understainding luke 8:16-18 part??? What is it trying to say to me?its really the 17 & 18 part??? I have gone ahead but still wondering about this?
As I read Luke 9 there is such amazement, I just try to picture what all is going on and just thinking I bet when Jesus took Petet, John , and James up on the mountain and seeing and hearing all of that I wonder what that would be like? AWESOME! Then Luke 9:41 is some other powerful words kinda like our little nation huh?.. .unbelieving, how long shall he put up with us? maybe he was really hurt by what is about to happen to him all for our sins. :( I really loved the read for today it is great! Wish I could have been there during all of it, to see it all!

Laying New Roots!

Mrs. Lorie I asked the same question about why would Jesus make some go in quiet and some not too. Nate says exactly what you were thinking. I also feel like I have been growing in thorny soil , scattered on the path, and also on the rocks with no moisture, just scattered into the wind to not know where this life may take me. I can name so many times that I get such joy in my heart about the Lord but have no roots, as the bible says. Then there are even times here lately that I read something and believe it but maybe not understanding it truely and it is almost like yeah the devil puts these thoughts in my head that, "that could never happen." and makes me question what I truely believe. I have not been allowing the word of God to lead my life because I use the excuse that I don't understand most of it and it is easier to go to church and let the preacher lead. I am not making excuese anymore, starting today!!! (that is what this blog is for huh!!) I am understanding okay this chapter so this is encouraging. Since rededicating my life 4 years ago yesterday I just remember how on fire for the Lord I was. I wanted to tell the world of him in one whole day (just didn't have those roots like I am giong to start laying today!)!!!! Every year I try and take myself back to that point and get the fire back! I am definitely loving this accountability for sure, this is a great start! I want to have the Lord lay the my seeds onto good soil "and grow up a crop a hundred times more than was sown." Our "seed is the word of God!!" So we are on the right path!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Luke 7-8
I love how Jesus shows such compassion for the hurting, the poor, the sinful who want to do better. He shows that pride of wealth is a dangerous position to be in because we don't hunger for hope outside of ourselves.

Like Allan Jackson's song about "Where were you when the world stopped turning" referring to 9/11/01, he's not sure the difference in Iraq and Iran, I'm not sure when I'm reading a parable or a true story many times. I liked how the centurian was concerned for his servant and sent for Jesus to come with his elders saying the man deserved help. Jesus is amazed at the centurian's faith that a command alone would do the healing without Jesus actually coming. Mostly, we are always amazed at Him.

I loved the compassion for the widow's whose only son dies. "...his heart went out to her."
The Pharisees were not keying into the Savior among them and thought him to blasaphem by saying he could forgive sins. I wander if the sin for no forgiveness could be related to one who says he is God and takes pride in trying to take God's authority??

The woman who comes and anoints Jesus' feet with perfume after her tears wet his feet and her hair wipes them, is told "your faith has saved you; go in peace". "In peace" is a special way of making "peace" a deeper release to me. I like that combination. He says her love has resulted in her sins forgiven. Love little and we forgive little. Love is so key throughout the Bible. I want to strive for love in my heart.

In the parable of the seed being sown on different types of soil and the results, I pondered which soil I have. Many times it was the thorny soil because I allowed growth to be choked out by life's worries, business seeking the "better life" and did not mature in his word. Now I want "to retain it" with a heart desiring to hear, retain, and produce a new crop.

The lamp shining and disclosing all into the open is how I am trying to expose myself, faults and all, so I can carefuuly listen to His word. I want to be given more to hear, soak in and
grow in wisdom.
The woman with the bleeding issue for 12 years touches him and is healed from power going out to her because her faith----he told her to go IN peace. I want less of me, more of him in me!

I never knew (if I read it correctly) that along with the 12 apostles, several woman went from town to town to help support them. These women were not the cream of the crop. They had been the demon possessed and cured of dieases. That makes me so proud that he came for sinners to heal who listened and wanted to repent and change , knowing the prideful ones who knew it all themselves and lived only by the strictness of the LAW would not turn to him easily if ever.

The widows only son, Jairus's daughter, and Lazarus were the three asleep He raised back to life from death. Sometimes he told those he helped to go tell what God had done for them, other times he said to keep quiet about it. This must have depended on how the news would have affected his progression in that area. Any thoughts?

Luke has 28 parables listed and 20 miracles. Jesus is referred to "Son of Man" 25 times. His emphasis is on the Holy Spirit, praising God, the poor, sinners, stress on the family circle, the role of women, the joy for the "good news", the power of prayer and the recognition of Gentiles as well as Jews in God's plan. And what a plan it is!!! Paise the Lord oh my soul!!!!

Thoughts for Today

As I relayed to Lorie a few days ago, sticking to a schedule of such long passages of Scripture would be too much for me.  I recently came from a very oppressive religious background and found Grace Walk.  My devotions this morning besides the Blackaby devotional, was Job 5.  I especially loved verses 17-19: "Happy is the man whom God corrects; therefore do not despise the chastening of the Almighty.  For He bruises, but He binds up; He wounds, but His hands make whole.  He shall deliver you in six troubles, Yes in seven no evil shall touch you."  How awesome is that!  As I was contemplating these verses, I thought were it not for these 3-4 loser friends that Job had (miserable comforters), these are some of the most comforting words ever uttered in the midst of a book with such suffering.  

The Lord is moving!!

Well I definitely know that the Lord is moving in my heart. I am definitely not a bible scholar either. To tell you the truth the bible intimidates me badly. So I have always stayed in the chapters I "know". Well I have read the favorites several times (matthew, mark, luke, and john), but it seems like the Lord has opened my eyes to some new verses this go around. I have really been questioning my wonderful husband with the things I am not quite getting this go around. I usually get excited and say every January I am going to read the bible through, but when it gets over my head I usually get discouraged instead of asking humbly for help from someone or hey THE LORD ALMIGHTY, that you are leaning about in the first place. So this is good I am very encouraged. In fact for the last three nights of our reading I have read before going to bed and haven't really slept very deep, and everytime I awake I automatically start to pray. So I definitely know the holy spirit is moving in me and I think tonight I am going to just get up and continue to read if that happens again. Maybe there is more to learn and the holy spirit is saying wake up you crazy girl its time to learn!!! Good luck with your scripture today everyone!...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hey girls! I am so excited about this blog thing! I have read everything up until today so I am going to go and do that and will blog later!
Here's the schedule for any new folks joining us:

Monday Jan. 26 Luke 1-2 Feb. 2 Luke 16-18 Feb. 9 John 7-8

Tuesday Jan. 27 Luke 3-4 Feb. 3 Luke 19-20 Feb. 10 John 9-10

Wednesday Jan. 28 Luke 5-6 Feb. 4 Luke 21-22 Feb. 11 John 11-12

Thursday Jan. 29 Luke 7-8 Feb. 5 Luke 23-24 Feb. 12 John 13-15

Friday Jan. 30 Luke 9-10 Feb. 6 John 1-2 Feb. 13 John 16-17

Saturday Jan. 31 Luke 11-12 Feb. 7 John 3-4 Feb. 14 John 18-19

Sunday Feb. 1 Luke 13-15 Feb. 8 John 5-6 Feb. 15 John 20-21
First, I would like to say that I am proud of you and I love you very much. Then, I would like to say, as an English teacher, you are very well written. Finally, I would like to say, I have no idea what day you are on and can you please enlighten me? :)
I am reading a library book by Christopher Kennedy Lawford named Moments of Clarity. He is in recovery from alcohol and drugs(?) and this book is many others' stories of their moment of clarity from their control of life will end with them dead. It's their showing the raw emotions they felt leading to "I can't do this anymore---Take it---I surrender to a higher power". It called to me---If I don't surrender to my Lord, I am a complete mess. I don't want Lorie to live---I want Lorie's body to be the temple for the Lord to live in and be used completely for Him.

Many of you think He already does and that I am strong. I confess that I strive for that day by day. I continually miss that goal. Luke 2-3 and 4-5 showed me something really huge. The main verses that called to me were Luke 6:43-49 "....For out of the overflow of his heart the mouth speaks" and about hearing the word and putting them into practice-----laying a deeply dug foundation to build a house on. Well, I have to question what is completely in my heart. When I drop something or an emergency errupts, the first thing out of my mouth is not always---whoops! The other day, Terry accidently touched a cake pan to move it and instead hit the icing and marred it. Out jumped "Dadgumit" angerily. But the real revelation for me was a few months ago outside in our yard in Tulsa when I walked through a huge spider web with a huge spider in it before I realized it and what flew out of my mouth made me want to wash my mouth out with soap. I quickly realized my heart needed the soap more than my mouth! As I feed on His word, I will be digging that deep foundation not just relying on what others tell me the Bible says. So today I have shovel in hand for the groundbreaking!

The other things that spoke to me were:
Jesus prayed: alone, early in the morning, all night at a mountainside

Jesus amazed others at "the gracious words that came from his lips" 4:22
His message had authority 4:32 He sternly commanded the evil spirit 4:35

He didn't stay in just one place healing all---he healed some, then was sent to area areas. That helped me to not feel guilty when I can only do a little good to help others before being called a different direction.

Peter obeyed in lowering his nets out in the deep after fishing all night without catching anything "because you say so". I want to surrender without me questioning or controling.

Good Job Lorie!

Hi Lorie. I will be in-and-out of this study as I do have another one right now. I find it interesting that this study is to focus on only the memoirs of Luke, a doctor, and John, Jesus’ best friend.

Do you ever wonder how Luke came by this knowledge? I can envision Elizabeth taking her husband with her to the doctor (she needs prenatal care, after all) to find out why he couldn’t speak and Luke having no idea. I can just hear Zechariah explaining his crazy story to Luke after John the Baptist is born and see Luke connecting the dots as John the Baptist began his ministry.

Same goes for Mary and Joseph. I can imagine that after they found out that Mary was pregnant they went a doctor (maybe Luke) for confirmation (and possibly prenatal care, even though I’m sure they called it something else back then). I can see him listening in disbelief to the notion that Mary is still a virgin and possibly thinking that they were both a little off their rockers. Then, later in life, when he became a follower of Jesus, he must have recalled that conversation and realized that they were telling the truth.

His amazement would have been unmatched.

Luke’s is the only gospel that contains an account of Jesus going to his hometown and saying to (the people of Nazareth), "Surely you will quote this proverb to me: 'Physician, heal yourself! Do here in your hometown what we have heard that you did in Capernaum.” This makes sense since that phrase would really stand out to a doctor.
Lorie, glad you got the blog up and running.  I think this is a wonderful way to keep in touch.  Thanks for inviting me..Love Ruthie
Lorie...right now I have my Mom in Rehab and won't be able to participate but I will follow the blog. My blog name will be Patticakes Glad you have found out how to do this Pat M.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

John 1:17

Merriam raised an interesting question on Luke 1:17.

I did a little research and one possible explanation is John will lead the people of God to "heart transplants"; stony hearts and exchange them for hearts that were child-like, that is, soft, pliable, trusting and open to change.

My thoughts on Luke 1-2 and Bible study

Lorie encouraged me today to post my thoughts, and I really appreciated her understanding and grace as I explained my position. Most of my life I have been immersed in a culture of "should's" and "need to's" regarding prayer and Bible study and all the other things people do religiously for many different reasons. In an attempt to escape that kind of thinking, I would say that currently I do these things infrequently, but when I do them, it is because I want to. I guess I am sharing this to say that I hesitate to commit to contributing on a regular basis, because no, I don't always want to. That said, I plan to enjoy reading and occasionally contributing to this blog.

Here are a few things that stand out to me from this story.

1:17 John will "turn the hearts of the fathers to their children..." I wonder what this means?

1:37 For nothing is impossible with God.
The story, specifically of Mary and Elizabeth, is amazing. In a world where there are plenty of nay-sayers, it makes me smile because it seems too good to be true! I can't begin to count all the times people have told me over the past decade that my or someone else's dreams or ideas will never work out. I begin believing these lies, I think, to save myself any grief in case they don't. But this story that seemed way better than any of my dreams or hopes seem and way more unlikely to be true is true as far as I am concerned.

Similarly, all the prophecying in the story blows my mind. I don't spend much time thinking about prophecy going on in my day to day life. It seems like there was always someone prophecying about something, though, in the Bible, and it is awesome to read.

It's hard for me to read or hear the story and not feel choked up. It's full of life, hope, and rejoicing. Of couse this account skips over the killing of all the baby boys.

That's all for me today! Happy reading.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Luke chapters 1 and 2

Welcome to our study of Jesus in Luke and John!

This is our study--not mine alone. I need this study to make me accountable to "feeding on His word". I am 51, been a member of Christ's church since a teen, done most Bible studying for a required church class not for me but to fit in, became scared when I read too much of the Old Testament, so I've read great books on Bible topics that help me. I haven't obeyed His spirit living inside of me to leave food as my savior and drop to my knees for Him to fill my being.

Most days I pray "Lord, lead me, guide me, and use me for YOUR purposes as YOU mold me into your woman." This prayer evolved over the past 10 years as I have shed the "works only" teachings of men for the Bible truth of grace and love in balance with being His servant using my gifts for His calling.

The molding part was only added last year. I know that as I am molded, I become more His and less "me". It has been a hard journey shedding what the world says is wonderful to be happy and relying on Him for the only source of my happiness. And I haven't arrived. One day, I allow His love to flow greatly through me. Then, life gets distracted and I forget to pray or talk to Him. I forget to Praise Him for all the blessings in my life. I hit a valley and stagnate awhile. Then I remember whose I am and it's not about me. Then I plug back into His power supply and desire to learn more of Him. The past few weeks, I have felt I could do a study someway with any who wanted to study also and it would encourage us being strength in numbers striving together. Being totally honest with our journey. Each morning the verse "Thy word is a lamp into my feet and a light into my path" was in my mind. Actually, I didn't know where it was in the Bible. I knew the song and knew it was in the Bible somewhere. That in itself was an indicator that I needed to get into the Bible verses and finally obey the spirit's urge from 12 years ago.

This journey with looking into Jesus in Luke and John is one that I will do myself not looking to remember where each verse is or to fully memorize it. I'm in a journey where I need to read His word and let Him pull out verses that will "feed" me. I won't be stating lots of facts because honestly I am not interested in history. Terry, my husband of 31 years, is very history minded. He will enter his comments with a whole different approach then me. That's fine. We are different people and we learn from each other. In the buffet line of verses, some will call me, others you. I am encouraged to know where your journey takes you, what needs you have that the rest of us can pray for or encourage you. So, enter in along with me and may we all be "filled" completely with His true riches from our Bible feast.

Here are the things that touched me in Luke chapters 1-2:

Priest Zechariah questions Gabriel while the Lord's servant, virgin Mary rejoices in what Gabriel reveals to her. I am so much like Zechariah--one would expect me to be a walking Bible of verses---yet, it scared me and I questioned. My prayer for "molding" will allow me to be a rejoicer.

1:20 Gabriel said “My words will come true at THEIR proper time”. (I must be patient for His timing in my life with His plan. Less of me and more of Him in me. Instead of aiming wanderlessly, I have a wonderful aim with surrender to Him.)

1:37 Gabriel said “Nothing is impossible with God.” NOTHING! So why do I try to control life?

1:53 “He has filled the hungry with good things but sent the rich away empty.” Physically and SPIRITUALLY filled.

Virgin birth in lowly place-manger in Bethlehem
2:24 The normal sacrifice for a newborn child was a lamb and a pigeon (or dove). Joseph and Mary did not have the lamb to give as a sacrifice. Only the poor gave a sacrifice of 2 doves or 2 pigeons. (God could have sent Jesus to start out a material wealthy earthly king, but He shows special interest in the poor, outcasts, and sinners of this world and points us Heavenward. When I am weak, then I am strong.)

2:14 “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth PEACE to men on whom his favor rests”.

I used to look for material things and food to find peace for me. Insane! His peace is of mind and soul. Him in control! Me surrendering--loosing myself for His use---then peace comes and joy!

BEWARE: Peace with God involves opposition to Satan and his work! I have to suit up daily in the Lord’s armor to withstand this fight-Ephesians 6:10-20 (Marcia---will you tell how to suit up--I love it)

2:19, 2:51 “Mary treasured all these things in her heart”. I have noticed over the past 10+ years of my life that I am starting to ponder more and more how the Lord has taken my life and arranged it in ways I would have never expected or chosen. Yet, especially through the rough times, I store it away in my heart (sometimes after a good cry)to see how He is going to connect the dots for an amazing photo. Example: After 29 years of marriage, Terry and I went through a low time in our marriage that had been building up over the years. In Christian marriage counseling, I learned that we do and act differently because God made us that way. I had tried to control and change Terry in several areas. He felt unimportant in my life and I had placed him there. I apologized and learned to love and respect him for who he is. On one night when I thought our marriage was over, I literally got out of bed and envisioned if Jesus were standing beside me what I would unload out of me and lay at his feet to take away. I envisioned a large sheet that I dumped this stuff (anger, control, recalling old things that hurt me, finances) out of my heart and onto the sheet. Then I envisioned dragging the sheet off the bed and laid it at His feet. I prayed "Take it! I can't handle this stuff anymore. I want to be the wife I should be." Once you give it away, you can't have it back. That was so freeing. In the past 2+ years since then, what I thought was an end was the beginning to a great marriage now. I had to go through the fire to be refined. Dot, dot, dot...

21 Day look at Jesus

I had thought that a scripture reading verse by verse might not be as helpful as a book or topic. But after much prayer this week......I am reminded that "Thy word is a lamp into my feet and a light into my path" Psalm 119:105. I also keep being reminded that "when I am weak, then I am strong" II Cor. 12:10. We all are struggling with something because we are human. Our hope is in the almighty Lord. He is our Master, Creator, and Friend!

Twelve years ago, the Holy Spirit urged me to "Feed on His word" because "Food is your god". What a hold food has always been in my life and continues to be. This year, God will take that place---He will because I am going to surrender to Him day by day by day. I am going to open my life so others can see the human-ness we often cover up so others think we have it all together. I am a mess without my Lord! I am not a Bible scholar in any account. Many stories/accounts actually scare me. So for the ones who are walking Bibles, be patient and help us along. The use of this study is to really allow the word to soak inside and to become that guiding light in our lives instead of us thinking we have to control and make things happen. I don't know how to set up a blog for this yet. Who can help? Where do you all wish to start? Would taking a 21 day look at Jesus be helpful to you? I was given a plan for Luke and John even though Jesus's life is told in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. This would give us a little start to get a study off the ground and let God lead the way from there. Today I commit to read Luke 1-2. However, I am not reading
in order to say I read it. I will ponder the verses and look for meaning and truth.

If you already have a Bible study or this doesn't fit into what God has planned for you now, no obligation at all. I need this and there is strength in numbers----God will send the ones who need this also and the group will be His. Love you all----Blessings, Lorie See below:

The schedule for the 21 days is:
Day 1: Luke 1-2 Day 12: John 1-2
Day 2: Luke 3-4 Day 13: John 3-4
Day 3: Luke 5-6 Day 14: John 5-6
Day 4: Luke 7-8 Day 15: John 7-8
Day 5: Luke 9-10 Day 16: John 9-10
Day 6: Luke 11-12 Day 17: John 11-12
Day 7: Luke 13-15 Day 18: John 13-15
Day 8: Luke 16-18 Day 19: John 16-17
Day 9: Luke 19-20 Day 20: John 18-19
Day 10: Luke 21-22 Day 21: John 20-21
Day 11: Luke 23-24
