Sunday, March 22, 2009

Well, it has taken me almost 60 days instead of 21 to complete my study of Luke and John. I love Mr. Roger's "I like to take my time to do it right". Life happened and delays came, but I never quit FEEDING ON HIS WORD! I pray I never do. Here are the last of my thoughts on the book of John:

Jesus performed miracles in his hometown, but the people there--his own people--didn't honor him. Isn't that the way it is---"Oh, that's just ---- talking again. Just ignore him. He talks big like that all the time." I've noticed that with several people I've met in life. The ones that new them most, often overlooked their talents.

Could blasphemy be when someone says they are God? Is this the unpardonable sin? This is what the people were rejecting Jesus about on one account.

In feeding the five thousand, Jesus tests Philip asking where are we going to buy bread? He tests me when I start thinking "How am I going to handle this or that? The answer is Him and His provision and use for me.

I read over and over about believing in the book of John. It's there so many times as well as "Peace be with you". He is the Prince of Peace so I want to have Him with /inside me always---peace with/in me. Don't like the statement "be at peace" cause that reminds me of being at the river or being at the mall. I want to be "in" the thick of it all not "at" it.
In John 7:21 He says to stop judging on appearances, but make the right judgment. That helps me not to care about what others are thinking when I befriend another and to see me with a young, black neighbor guy who is down on life and needs someone to care and guide him---I am sure others jump to their conclusions without judging right----which is that we are to be His arms, His feet and get involved in others life if we are to make any change in this world and isn't that what we are to do?

John speaks of streams of living water and bread of life that we never hunger or thrist again. He so revives my soul when I am still and study and listen to His pull on my heart.

I read over and over about people not realizing something until Jesus wanted them to or their eyes or minds being opened. He knows how and why and what. I must leave all that to Him and praise Him each time I have a WOW moment--each time I see a little clearer into Him view---each time He allows me to reach one stage and go more from feeding on baby milk into solid truth that I grasp. Then a new stage appears---a new struggle and in time a new joy after the struggle is complete through Him!

When we know that we know that we know that He is Prince of Peace, Lord of Lords, and our heart are full of love for the Father, we really don't care what others say about us. It really doesn't matter because we are not of this world or this world's view of us. I'm here to please HIM alone. He is enough! He is everything! Thank you for this journey through Luke-John!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Luke 17-24
My! I finished Luke last week and started into John, but with my back problems, it was hard to sit for very long at the computer, so I waited until today when I could sit awhile longer I hope.
The main thing that talked to me in these last verses was in the 24th chapter when Jesus was with the two men from Emmaus. "Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him." Later in chapter 24, "Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures".
Jesus reassures the disciples with "Peace be with you". That is what I desire most: For my mind and eyes to be opened to recognize Him in my daily walk of life, to understand the scriptures and to be in Peace with my Lord. Then He is enough---He just is---without all the thinking of material stuff to be happy. That thinking is stinking thinking! He and His Peace is all I need in this life and the next! Now onto the study of John! In John 1, I wonder why John said he didn't know Jesus until it was revealed or told him. Even though John lived in the desert until he came to pave the way for Jesus, still as a child, wouldn't his mother Elizabeth and Jesus' mother Mary have let the kids visit? Mary had visited with Elizabeth and John (by the Holy Spirit) lept in her womb when Mary greeted Elizabeth. Oh, well! One of those things that I won't understand in my life time I imagine---and that is fine--------a childlike faith and a childlike obedience is what I desire. In John 3, I always hear folks mention believing as the most important thing in salvation. Yet, I read the whole chapter and view the part of baptism right along with the believing. Any explanations on this chapter? I would prefer to take the step of baptism at the time of accepting Jesus so all areas are complete in obeying and putting off the old me and clothing myself in His spirit to be His child.